Our Services

Investment advice, life insurance plans, tax returns, estate planning — there is an overflowing number of components to wealth. At Richardson, we believe there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach. Instead, an individualized investment strategy is key. An all-encompassing approach that is customizable and easily adjusted based on needs and wants is the most beneficial way to manage finances.

Investment Management

We believe investment strategies need to be customized for each client based on liquidity needs, time horizon, and risk tolerance. We also believe portfolios need to be adequately diversified beyond a traditional portfolio that consists solely of stocks and bonds. We utilize alternative investments in most portfolios and less liquid private investments where appropriate. The goal is to create portfolios that have higher returns with lower risk. All of our investment management services are provided through Richardson Capital Management, LLC.

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Financial, Tax, and Estate Planning

We believe providing sophisticated and comprehensive financial, tax, and estate planning is critical and that many families and advisors neglect these important items. Each of our planning professionals has significant experience in the financial services industry, which includes specialization within one of the key planning areas. With a team approach to planning, we utilize our collective knowledge and experience to provide expert guidance and an integrated plan.

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Insurance and Risk Management

We believe having the appropriate insurance and risk management strategies in place is a critical element of a comprehensive financial plan. Unfortunately, insurance is one of the most complex financial instruments in the marketplace and it is often neglected. Given our extensive background and expertise in the insurance marketplace, we are uniquely positioned to provide expert advice and guidance, and to implement independent solutions.

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